Your membership package consists of:

You will receive a copy of our twice-yearly Gazette which keeps members abreast of current activities in the Corps.
Membership Benefits
Serving members:
Adventurous Training
Sporting Activities
Costs associated with the organisation of social gatherings
Refreshments for Corps Events
Take part in ceremonial events, e.g. by application to the Association for tickets to the Field of Remembrance in London.
Reserve members:
Due to the recent announcement in Parliament on 15 October 2024, that the Royal Army Medical Corps, the Royal Army Dental Corps and the Queen Alexandra’s Royal Army Nursing Corps will be joining together to become the Royal Army Medical Service (RAMS), reserve application is to be offered as Retired Membership. Please contact or for further advice if required.
Retired members:
Enjoy social events and get involved.
Take part in ceremonial events, e.g. by application to the Association for tickets to the Field of Remembrance or the Cenotaph ceremony in London.
Grants to offset personal contributions of those participating in Battlefield Tours.
Be part of your local branch and receive more benefits
Be part of the wider QARANC Community
It's easy! If you are a reserve or retired you can join using one of the forms below.
Fill in the online Membership Form here.
Download a
PDF of the Membership form here.
Unfortunately, we cannot process direct debits from overseas accounts. Please do send in your form as normal and make your initial payment using the details below. Please use your Name and Membership as the reference.
Association BACS payments (UK)
QARANC Association Central Fund
Sort Code 16-19-26 Account No 14564241
If you choose to download a form, then print it off, fill it out, complete as many of the fields as accurately as you can, sign and either return by email or post.
Payment will be via Direct Debit (you supply your bank or building society account details in the forms) and once accepted we will send you a membership pack.
Please note that Regular serving personnel cannot join online, they are to ensure that they have completed the ‘payroll giving’ form. More Information can be found here. If you also require the JPA E014 Start or Stop they are available.